Jeffie Burt

Lake Creek, TX
WT:139 LBS
05/09/2015College PREP - Carrollton (DFW), TX Play in this window
Jeffie Burt Lake Creek, TX 800-641-4487
Grad Year:2016Height:5'10Weight: 139 LBS
Position OH/MB Hand:    
High School:CHISUM HIGH SCHOOL Club Team:
Grading Scale

Athletic Assessment

Standing Reach: 92'' Block Touch: 111'' Approach Touch: 114'' Short Shuttle Run: 6.00

Technical Assessment

Serve: 4 Serve Receive: 5 Attack: 5 Block: 6 Dig: 5 Setting: 5

Technical Focus

    • Platform
    • Arm Swing
    • Timing
    • Penetration
    • Contact
    • Hands
    Notes Evaluations Are Reviewed by Kristee Porter
    05/09/2015 - College PREP - Carrollton (DFW), TX - Jeffie is well rounded and has all the tools teams look for at the position. She possesses a quick arm swing, approach, snap of the wrist. She is capable of playing OH and MB at a high level. In the middle she is capable of moving across the net with proper footwork and puts up a big, powerful block. She is able to generate good power on the attack. I would like for her to be more vocal on the court which will eventually come. As she continues to grow I am certain she will make a strong team even better as she sifts through her collegiate choices.